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Getting started with NCS Groov (simple 9 steps)
- To start using NCS Groov please play the video “Item Coding (# 1)”. The video will guide you throughout the software for item coding.
- After doing ITEM CODING, play the video “Account Coding (# 2)”. This video will provide all the required details for doing account coding in the NCS Groov.
- In the above steps, you have done all the basic entries in the software, now the software and you are ready to maintain your sales, purchases, stock, bank and party accounts.
- When using the software first time, first, you have to record purchase entries. To enter reel purchases, play video “Reel Purchase (# 3)”. To enter roll purchases, play “Roll Purchase (# 4)”.
- After recording purchases a can record sales. To record reel sales, play video “Reel Sale (# 5)”. To record roll sales, play video “Sale Roll (# 6)”.
- To record production, please play video “Record Production (# 7)”.
- Well, now its time to recover some money and record payments. To record payments in NCS Groov play video, “Amount Entry (# 8)”.
- The boss is here and he wants to take few reports from the software. So, to generate any report from the software kindly play the video “Reports (# 9)”.
- To find any data you have entered in the computer play the video “Searching, Admin Task (# 10)”. This video will also guide you in setting up user rights and other administration tasks.