NCS Groov

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Getting started with NCS Groov (simple 9 steps)

  1. To start using NCS Groov please play the video “Item Coding (# 1)”. The video will guide you throughout the software for item coding.
  2. After doing ITEM CODING, play the video “Account Coding (# 2)”. This video will provide all the required details for doing account coding in the NCS Groov.
  3. In the above steps, you have done all the basic entries in the software, now the software and you are ready to maintain your sales, purchases, stock, bank and party accounts.
  4. When using the software first time, first, you have to record purchase entries. To enter reel purchases, play video “Reel Purchase (# 3)”. To enter roll purchases, play “Roll Purchase (# 4)”.
  5. After recording purchases a can record sales. To record reel sales, play video “Reel Sale (# 5)”. To record roll sales, play video “Sale Roll (# 6)”.
  6. To record production, please play video “Record Production (# 7)”.
  7. Well, now its time to recover some money and record payments. To record payments in NCS Groov play video, “Amount Entry (# 8)”.
  8. The boss is here and he wants to take few reports from the software. So, to generate any report from the software kindly play the video “Reports (# 9)”.
  9. To find any data you have entered in the computer play the video “Searching, Admin Task (# 10)”. This video will also guide you in setting up user rights and other administration tasks.